diabetes treatment

Conquer Diabetes: Effective Treatment Options You Need to Know

Together let’s get rid of Diabetes mellitus

India is the “Diabetes capital” of the world! It is spreading like an epidemic affecting millions of Indians, both young and old. So let us pledge to work together to make everyone aware about this silent killer – Diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a Greek word meaning to pass through and mellitus is a Latin word for sweet or honey.

diabetes treatment

What is Diabetes?

The main source of energy for our body is blood glucose, which we get from the food we eat. This glucose is transported to all the cells of the body through a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. When pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body is unable to use insulin efficiently, sugar levels increase in blood causing diabetes.

There are 3 types of diabetes:

  1. Type 1 diabetes occurs when cells of pancreas (islets of Langerhans) stop producing insulin, due to autoimmune disorder.
  2. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% of all diabetes. It occurs when insulin becomes insufficient or the body becomes resistant to insulin.
  3. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

Type 2 diabetes most occurs in middle-aged and older people because of the unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits.

Diabetes insipidus is not related to diabetes mellitus. It is a rare condition in which the kidneys are unable to retain water. This results in excess urination and excessive thirst, which are also the symptoms of diabetes mellitus.

Common symptoms of diabetes

  • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
  • Frequent urination
  • Feeling tired
  • Excess thirst and hunger
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Slow healing wounds
  • Skin dryness and itching
  • Blurred vision

Risk factors of diabetes

  • Obesity – according to research studies obesity is a major risk factor for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. The more the fatty tissue in body, the more resistant cells become to insulin
  • Sedentary lifestyle – regular physical activity helps us maintain weight, use up glucose as energy and makes cells more sensitive to insulin
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – common condition in which women suffer from irregular periods, obesity, excess hair growth and obesity
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Age
  • Family history
  • High triglyceride levels
  • Unhealthy eating habits

Complications of diabetes

Over a period of time, high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels and nerves, leading to serious complications which can be of two types:

  • Microvascular complications is due to damage of small blood vessels resulting in retinopathy (eye damage leading to blindness), nephropathy (kidney damage leading to renal failure), neuropathy (nerve damage) and diabetic foot disorders.
  • Macrovascular complications is due to damage of big blood vessels which leads to atherosclerosis which is narrowing of arteries. This results in decreased blood flow to heart muscles causing heart attack, or to brain causing stroke or to extremities leading to numbness, burning sensation and acute pain.

Monisha’s Mantra formula

The good news is that, at Monisha’s Mantra we are guiding and helping people prevent and reverse diabetes in the following manner:

  • Changing to healthier lifestyle
    1. Be physically active with regular exercises to maintain healthy body weight
    2. De-stress with Yoga, pranayama and Smile meditation.
    3. Eat healthy by including more of fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. Monisha’s Mantra gives personalized diet chart based on the individual’s health condition and energies. (Join us for our Nutritional Healing Workshop to know more about it)
    4. Avoid refined sugar, processed, fried junk foods, aerated drinks and fruit juices.
    5. Get enough sunlight by going for morning brisk walks to maintain vitamin D levels.
    6. Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake.
    7. Maintain healthy body weight.
  • Regular Sujok therapy
    1. Everyday activation of corresponding pancreas point on palm of hand with fingers for 1-2 minutes, 4 times daily.
    2. Move the Sujok ring 20-25 times in each finger of hands, 2-3 times daily. This activity will increase the energy levels within.
    3. Daily apply bar magnet for 2 hours on the inner side of thumb with yellow part towards the tip of thumb
    4. Apply green colour band below the middle joint on the inner side of any finger (as shown in the picture)
    5. Before sleeping, apply methi plaster below middle joint on inner side of any finger (as shown in the picture)
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment

dry cough treatment

Dry Cough: Causes, Treatments, and Soothing Relief

Is your coughing keeping you up the whole night? You are not alone! Chronic dry cough is reported in 10-20% of the general population worldwide. Chronic cough which persists for more than 8 weeks can lead to considerable disturbance of sleep, urinary stress incontinence, exhaustion and work absenteeism. It can also be a warning sign of underlying respiratory and non-respiratory health issues.

dry cough treatment

What is dry cough?

Cough is a natural defense mechanism of the respiratory tract. It is the body’s way to clear lungs and the airways of irritants. A dry cough is known as unproductive cough because it doesn’t clear up phlegm or open up the lungs or airways. It essentially coughs up air.

Symptoms of chronic dry cough

  • Chest tightness and pain
  • Scratchy itchy feeling at the back of throat
  • Coughing is sometimes more at night because we produce less saliva during sleep making throat drier. The dry throat becomes more sensitive to irritants that triggers coughing

Common causes of chronic dry cough

  • Allergies like flu, cold, covid
  • Stuffy nose
  • Chronic lung disease like COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder), asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis
  • GERD is chronic acid reflux that can trigger cough
  • Smoking
  • Postnasal drip happens while lying down, when mucus drips from nasal passageways down the throat
  • Environmental irritants like pollution, smoke, dust, mold, pollen, chemicals like sulfur dioxide or nitric oxide
  • Clean dry or cold air can also cause dry cough

Monisha’s Mantra formula

  • Effective treatment is gargling with turmeric and salt warm water, 4 times daily. Salt and turmeric both have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties
  • Drink the immuno-herbal lemongrass tea twice daily (Check the link)
  • Drink at least 10-12 glasses of warm water daily to keep throat moist
  • At bedtime do steam inhalation which helps in moisturizing the dry and irritated lining of nasal passages and throat (Breathe in through nose, breathe out through mouth, alternately breathe in through mouth and breathe out through nose)
  • Use humidifier which adds moisture to the air
  • Avoid dairy, cold drinks, pickles, refined sweets. Eat light simple food at night
  • Quit smoking and avoid secondary smoking
  • Sujok therapy:
    • Apply ginger juice on the palm area inside life line and inner side of thumb corresponding to the respiratory system, twice daily.
    • Apply blue colour band on the joint of big toe and then a line of whole moong seeds as shown in picture.
    • Find the painful point with a probe in the area just below the thumb joint and make 3 dots with dark blue color there. Then, we have to apply three dried peas on these blue colored points as shown in picture.
    • To manage acid reflux, apply carom seeds (ajwain) band on the inner side of any finger, below middle joint daily at night.
    • Along with seed therapy, you can also do magnet therapy. You have to apply the bar magnet on the index finger and little finger in this way for two hours.
    • Turmeric is very beneficial for cough and infections. So, apply a slice of turmeric on the finger as shown in picture.

At Monisha’s Mantra, we have managed to treat many cases of chronic cough without medicine using the self-healing power of the individual.

Monisha's Mantra :

  • Control of blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
  • Restrict salt intake and avoid eating packaged, processed, non-vegetarian and outside foods.
  • Eat healthy balanced diet (Join our upcoming Nutritional Healing workshop to know more about it).
  • Quit smoking and alcohol intake.
  • Regular morning and evening brisk walks.
  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • Destress with yoga, pranayama and meditation daily.
  • Avoid over the counter medicines without doctor’s advice.
  • Sujok therapy – a drugless therapy
    1. Find the painful corresponding points of kidneys at the back of hand with diagnostic probe or fingers as shown in picture. Massage the points for a minute 4 times daily with fingers or massager
    2. At night apply kidney beans on the stimulated points daily
    3. During the day, apply the bar magnet for 2 hours on the inner side of the thumb at the upper joint as shown in the picture.
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment
sujok therapy for cough treatment

Combat Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally

Natural Remedies for Chronic Kidney Disease

Recent survey study shows that approximately more than 850 million people are affected globally by chronic kidney disease (CKD). The epidemic of CKD is on the rise in India with 10% of the total population suffering from this kidney disease.

Monisha’s Mantra has been spreading the awareness of CKD to the masses for prevention, early detection as well as controlling the chronic kidney disease  epidemic, naturally without medicine. We have regular health self-care programs, workshops and treatments to help everyone stay healthy and smiling.

What is chronic kidney disease?

We have two kidneys about the size of fist placed below the rib cage on either side of lumbar spine. The kidneys play a very important role in keeping the body clean, well-fuelled and function optimally. Chronic kidney disease is the progressive loss of kidney function over a period of time. In the early stages there are no symptoms and if left untreated it can finally lead to kidney failure.

Functions of kidneys

  • Remove excess water and waste products from the blood, after it has circulated through the body.
  • Maintain balance of minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium) in blood.
  • Produce hormones that help in regulating blood pressure and producing red blood cells.
  • Produce an active form of vitamin D, needed for bone health and other functions.
  • Filter the whole blood every 30 minutes.
  • Maintain acid-alkaline (pH) balance in blood.

Symptoms of CKD

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Weakness.
  • Frequent urination especially at night.
  • Foamy urine.
  • Blood in urine.
  • Itchy dry skin.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Weight loss.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Swelling in legs, ankles, feet or face.
  • Puffy eyes.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Sleep problem.
  • Concentration issues.
  • Hyperkalemia is excess potassium levels in blood.
CKD stages

Stages of CKD

The stage of kidney disease is determined by the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which is the measure of kidney function. As the chronic kidney disease progresses GFR decreases.

  1. GFR is 90 and above indicates kidneys are functioning well.
  2. GFR is 60 – 89 indicates kidneys are functioning moderately with no signs.
  3. GFR is 45 – 59 indicates mild damage to kidneys with noticeable symptoms.
  4. GFR is 30 – 44 indicates moderate damage. If detected and treated at this stage, the progress of further kidney damage can be stopped.
  5. GFR is 15 – 29 indicates poor kidney function and damage is severe.
  6. GFR is less than 15 indicates that kidneys are very close to failing and dialysis or kidney transplant needed.

Risk factors of CKD

  • Diabetes and hypertension are the main causes of CKD.
  • Heart disease.
  • Obesity.
  • Polycystic kidney disease is genetic disorder which causes cysts to grow in kidneys.
  • Lupus nephritis an autoimmune disease in which our immune system attacks kidneys.
  • Interstitial nephritis is side effect of medicine that limits kidney’s ability to filter the waste in blood.
  • Glomerulonephritis is glomerular disease in which kidney filters called glomeruli are damaged thus limiting kidney function of filtration.
  • Chronic viral illnesses like hepatitis B, C, HIV and AIDS.
  • Excess alcohol, tobacco intake.

Monisha's Mantra :

  • Control of blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
  • Restrict salt intake and avoid eating packaged, processed, non-vegetarian and outside foods.
  • Eat healthy balanced diet (Join our upcoming Nutritional Healing workshop to know more about it).
  • Quit smoking and alcohol intake.
  • Regular morning and evening brisk walks.
  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • Destress with yoga, pranayama and meditation daily.
  • Avoid over the counter medicines without doctor’s advice.
  • Sujok therapy – a drugless therapy
    1. Find the painful corresponding points of kidneys at the back of hand with diagnostic probe or fingers as shown in picture. Massage the points for a minute 4 times daily with fingers or massager
    2. At night apply kidney beans on the stimulated points daily
    3. During the day, apply the bar magnet for 2 hours on the inner side of the thumb at the upper joint as shown in the picture.

Heal Yourself with SuJok Therapy: Korean Magic in Your Hands

Heal Yourself with SuJok Therapy: Korean Magic in Your Hands

Nowadays in India we are experiencing a sharp rise in korean culture whether it may be korean food, their K-pop music or their fashion trends. But have you ever thought about what Koreans follow in terms of maintaining their physical health and mental well being?
The answer is SuJok Therapy !!

In the diverse journey for holistic well-being, various alternative therapies have gained prominence in India after Covid – 19. And among them stands Sujok, which has originated from South Korea but if we deep dive into the process of this therapy we can find its basic principles similar to those in India like acupressure and acupuncture in Marma Shastra, Ayurveda and Chakra Healing.

Sujok Therapy level 1

What exactly is Sujok?

SuJok in particular is made out of two Korean words “Su” which means the hands and “Jok” meaning feet, they combinedly represent all the organs and meridians in the human body. The primary principle is that specific points on the palm and the feet correspond to various organs and systems within the body. By stimulating these points, Sujok practitioners aim to restore balance and promote overall health without the use of any medicines.

Principles of Sujok Therapy

  • Correspondence System: Sujok therapy follows the correspondence system, where points on the hands and feet mirror the body’s structure. Each finger and toe is associated with specific organs, allowing for targeted treatment.
  • Natural Healing: Sujok emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself. By activating specific points, energy flow is enhanced, triggering the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Techniques in Sujok Therapy

  • Acupressure: Gentle pressure is applied to specific points on the hands and feet, promoting relaxation and facilitating energy flow.
  • Moxibustion: Heat is generated by burning a herb called moxa near specific points, stimulating energy circulation.
  • Seed Therapy: Small seeds or magnets are attached to specific points with adhesive tape, providing continuous stimulation.
  • Magnet Therapy: Magnets are utilized to influence the flow of energy by placing them on specific points, aiming to enhance overall well-being and alleviate discomfort.
  • Twist Therapy: This technique involves gentle twisting movements applied to specific joints or areas of the body, promoting flexibility, and addressing blockages in energy flow.
  • Acupuncture: Fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote balance within the body’s meridians, contributing to overall health and vitality.

The Benefits of Sujok Therapy

Physical Well-being

Physical Well-being

  • Pain Management: Sujok therapy is renowned for its effectiveness in alleviating various types of pain, including back pain, joint pain, and headaches.
  • Improved Circulation: By enhancing energy flow, Sujok contributes to improved blood circulation, supporting overall cardiovascular health.
  • Enhanced Immunity: Regular Sujok sessions are believed to boost the low immunity, aiding in the prevention of illnesses.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

  • Stress Reduction: Sujok therapy promotes relaxation, reducing stress levels and fostering a sense of well-being.
  • Emotional Balance: The holistic approach of Sujok aims to restore balance not only in the physical body but also in emotions and mental states.

Sujok for Specific Conditions

  • Digestive Disorders: Sujok therapy has shown promise in addressing digestive issues, promoting gastrointestinal health.
  • Respiratory Conditions: It is believed that Sujok can assist in managing respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies.
  • acupressure points for piles

Integrating Sujok Into Your Wellness Routine

Self-Care Practices

  • Hand Exercises: Simple hand exercises based on Sujok principles can be incorporated into daily routines for self-care.
  • Acupressure at Home: Learning basic acupressure points allows individuals to perform self-healing techniques at home.

Conclusion: Embracing the Healing Power of Sujok

Sujok therapy, with its profound principles and versatile techniques, offers a holistic approach to well-being. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, integrating practices like Sujok into our wellness routine can provide a path to balance and vitality. Whether seeking relief from physical ailments or aiming for emotional and mental harmony, the secrets of Sujok are waiting to be explored for a healthier, more balanced life.

Embark on a Journey to Wellness with the Ancient Wisdom of Sujok!

Low immunity – during seasonal change

People with weak immunity are at greater risk of seasonal flu.

As seasons change, we see everyone around us suffering from viral infections like cold, flu, and other health issues due to low immunity. It is essential to keep our immune system strong, which is the body’s natural defense system against infections and diseases. It’s a great way to improve our overall health and well-being.

At our “Monisha’s Mantra,” we help people boost their immunity and treat their infections and health issues naturally without medicine in the following manner:

  • First and foremost, have a well-balanced diet because experts
  • believe that nutrients are absorbed more efficiently in the body from dietary sources rather than supplements. Eat more plant- based foods that contain antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and boost immunnity
  • Limit intake of refined carbohydrates and white sugar
  • Limit intake of alcohol
  • Quit smoking.
  • Stay well hydrated
  • Get enough sleep
  • Regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight, reduces
  • inflammation, thus supporting a healthy immune system.
  • Stress is an important factor in lowering immunity,so regularly
  • de-stress with smile meditation and smile taiji.
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Daily massage the corresponding liver and spleen points on the inner side of any finger below the middle joint with a diagnostic probe. Do this acupressure for a minute, 2-3 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. At night before sleeping, apply 2 dried green peas (vatana) on the stimulated corresponding spleen and liver points (as shown in Pic 2)

Menopause – Mood Swings

It is important to keep in mind that menopause is not a disease but an important phase of a woman's life cycle.

During the transition phase of perimenopause to menopause, a woman’s reproductive hormonal levels of estrogen and progesterone start fluctuating and gradually decline. These hormonal changes can also affect serotonin and norepinephrine levels, which are brain chemicals responsible for promoting feelings of well-being and happiness. This condition triggers a number of symptoms which are physical as well as psychological. Many of these changes have a direct connection to menopausal mood swings.


● Anger and irritability
● High Anxiety
● Forgetfulness
● loss of confidence
● Feelings of sadness and depression
● Loss of concentration.

Treatment and Prevention

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`; we have helped several women in their
menopausal phase to overcome their mood swing condition,
naturally without Medicine and without any Side-effect, in the
following manner:

● Practice calming techniques like yoga-pranayama, smile meditation, and abdominal breathing daily

● Eat healthy by including more confidence, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and lentils, millets

● Avoid alcohol, white sugar, processed foods, and aerated beverages

● Be active with daily morning-evening walks and stretching exercises which help in elevating our mood and also keep us fit,

● Sujok therapy:

    1. Acupressure – Massage the correspondence heart point on either palm with a diagnostic probe or thumb for a minute, 3-4 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – Massage the corresponding brain point on the upper inner side of the thumb with a probe for a minute and applying dried green pea (vatana) at night before sleeping (as shown in Pic 2)

Pruritus (Itchy Dry Skin)

As hormone levels plummet, skin can become dry, slack, thin, and may notice more hair on face and less on scalp.

Pruritus is a dry itchy skin condition which affects many women in their menopausal stage. The good news is there are lots of natural choices to take care of the beautiful skin.

Menopause and Itchy Dry Skin – The Hormone connection

The female reproductive hormone, estrogen is responsible for triggering the body’s production of collagen and body’s oils, that keeps the skin moist and supple. During the perimenopause and menopause stage there is reduction in the estrogen levels. This results in reduction of collagen and oils which leads to dry itchy skin.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have helped women overcome their dry itchy skin condition Treating without Medicine and without any Side-effect; in the following manner:

  • Follow healthy diet high in vitamin C and omega-3-fatty acids, 2-3 helpings of fruits and salads, greens, sprouts, flaxseeds, millets, nuts. Avoid processed foods and refined sugars
  • Reduce intake of caffeine and alcohol which dehydrate the skin
  • Avoid hot water showers or bathing because it robs the body of natural oils
  • Get plenty of sleep and rest
  • Drink 12-14 glasses of water daily
  • Daily routine of brisk walks, yoga, pranayama, smile meditation helps in regulating hormones and stay healthy
  • Sujok Therapy –
    1. Magnet Therapy – Daily apply bar magnets on the outer side of index and small finger for 2 hours (as shown in Pic.1)
    2. Acupressure – Massage the ovaries and uterus corresponding points on the palm with thumb and fingers for a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic.2)

Menopause and Weight gain

Due to hormonal changes during menopause, women may gain upto 5 kg of weight

Menopause is a challenging phase in a woman’s life both emotionally and physically which can impact her quality of life. One of the most common symptoms during menopause is weight gain especially around the abdomen. This weight gain can increase the risk of serious health conditions like diabetes type-2, heart diseases, etc.

What causes menopause weight gain?

  • Decline in Oestrogen levels
  • Loss in muscle mass due to aging
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of proper sleep
  • Slow metabolism

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have helped several women, to stop and reduce their menopause weight gain by natural ways; without any hormone therapy in the following manner:

  • Exercise should be a part of daily routine in the form of walks, swimming, aerobics. Exercise not only helps in weight loss but also in keeping our joints and muscles strong, reduce constipation and the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2
  • In daily diet add protein, fibre, healthy fats and reduce sugar, processed and outside foods
  • Eat small portions
  • De-stress with yoga, pranayama, smile Taiji, smile meditation\
  • Follow disciplined sleep pattern
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Move Sujok ring in each finger for 25-30 times, twice daily which will help in increasing overall energy levels and reduce all kinds of joint and muscular pain (as ahown in Pic 1)
    2. Find painful corresponding point of liver on the right inner, upper area of any finger and massage with diagnostic probe for a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 2)


If not treated on time, serious complications like Heart Attack or Stroke can occur

Lupus is a complex autoimmune disease in which our own immune system attacks various organs and tissues, causing widespread inflammation in the body. This inflammation affects heart, skin, brain, kidneys, lungs and endocrine glands. If not treated it can lead to organ damage and serious health issues like brain stroke, heart attack and kidney disease. It is more common in women than men.

Common symptoms

  • Joint pain, stiffness and swelling
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fever
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Skin rashes
  • Mouth sores
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Depression/excess anxiety
  • Memory loss
  • Dry eyes
  • Shortness of breath

Risk factors

  • Being a women
  • Family history
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Stress
  • Chronic infections

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we help individuals to manage their Lupus symptoms and help them to relieve inflammation and pain naturally in the following manner, without any Medicine and without any Side-effect.

  • Reduce intake of all inflammatory foods like processed, packaged, fried foods, excess salt, refined sugar, gluten, excess alcohol, caffeine, nicotine
  • Include anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, basil, green tea, herbal tea, green leafy vegetables, nuts, chia seeds
  • De-stress with smile meditation, yoga-pranayama
  • Stay hydrated with 10-12 glasses of water
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Acupressure – Move Sujok ring with slight pressure on all 10 fingers for 25-30 times, 2-3 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – To reduce inflammation apply a plaster of fenugreek seeds (methi) on any 1 toe, daily at night (as shown in Pic 2)

Acne – During Monsoon

Having Acne at any age is pretty traumatizing

During monsoons the high levels of humidity can lead to many skin problems, especially the acne breakouts.

Why do we have monsoon Acne?

Excess humidity in monsoons increases the skin’s natural oil production, sebum. There is increase in dandruff and sweating which can trap bacteria or dirt in the upper layer of skin. Our skin has pores which get clogged due to excess oil, dust, dirt, bacteria, dandruff leading to acne breakouts.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have helped many individuals to get back their healthy glowing skin in the following natural ways, without using and
Medicine or Cream.

  • The best treatment is drinking more water which helps in keeping our skin hydrated and healthy and also helps in getting rid of constipation. Drink 12-15 glasses of boiled water daily
  • Check the diet because eating fried, spicy, packaged foods, refined sugar, dairy can trigger acne. Include more of seasonal fruits, salads, vegetable soups, seeds, herbs in daily diet
  • Regularly steaming with few neem leaves helps in opening up the clogged pores, removes dead skin and increases blood circulation
  • Discipline sleeping habits.
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Colour Therapy – With blue or black pen apply 2 big dots above the thumb nail. This area corresponds to face (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – To get rid of constipation apply daily at night 2 dried green peas (green vatana), 1 finger breath apart on either side of palm, in-between middle and ring finger (as shown in Pic 2)