Dry Cough and Sore Throat

Natural ways to treat dry cough and sore throat

We are going through the deadly covid-19 pandemic’s second wave which has engulfed the entire world causing havoc everywhere. The post-covid-19 ongoing symptoms are proving to be more disturbing and life-threatening. The most common post-covid-19 after-effects are persistent dry cough and sore throat.

Common cause of post-covid-19 dry cough and sore throat

Cough is a part of body’s defense against germs and irritants like dust, phlegm, pollutants. It is a reflex action to clear these irritants from lungs and windpipe. Due to excessive coughing during the covid-19 infection, there is irritation and inflammation along the airways lining and windpipe. The cough thus develops into a cycle even after post-covid-19 infection, which can last for 1-2 months resulting in voice hoarseness, breathlessness, sore throat and heart palpitations.

Natural ways to treat dry cough and sore throat

Monisha’s Mantra has been guiding everyone on the prevention and treatment of dry cough naturally in the following manner:

  • Stay well hydrated by drinking warm water as well as warm water with honey and lemon, vegetable and lentil soups, herbal teas
  • Regular steam inhalations with carom seeds (ajwain) and warm salt water gargles

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure – regular massaging of corresponding respiratory tract on palm with thumb, from base of lifeline right up to upper area of thumb. Do it for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Rub the juice of basil (tulsi leaves) on stimulated palm area corresponding to respiratory tract, 2-3 times daily.

Leg Pain

Leg Pain

Treat without Medicine, without Surgery and without any Side-effect (XX)

The recovery from Covid-19 infection is just half the battle won, because many people after the recovery are suffering from new symptoms, infections and many chronic health issues. Some of the post-Covid symptoms may resolve within a few weeks but some may take a few months.

Pain, cramps and weakness in legs is one of the “Long Covid” effects that may be due to nerve damage or blood clots in blood vessels of the legs or general weakness.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we treat and guide for leg pain problem ; in the following manner; without medicine, without Surgery and without any Side-effect

  • Daily incorporate simple activities for strengthening and releasing the stiffness of leg muscles and increasing blood circulation in the legs:
    • Yoga – Viparita karani or Legs-up-the-wall pose helps in restoration of blood circulation in legs. Start with 2 minutes and go up to 10-15 minutes
    • Cycling in air while lying down
    • Prop the legs on a pillow while sleeping

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure – Move the Sujok ring with slight pressure on all 10 fingers from the nail to the base of finger, 20-25 times twice daily. Do it more on middle and ring fingers of both hands because they correspond to legs.

2. Apply black mustard seeds (rai) with adhesive tape around the 3rd and 4th toes of either foot, which correspond to legs.



Natural ways to treat, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (XVII)

In recent times Xerostomia (dry mouth) has been reported as a symptom of Covid-19.

What is Xerostomia?

Xerostomia occurs when the virus attacks the oral linings in mouth, resulting in insufficient saliva secretion and dry mouth condition. Saliva plays a very important part in the breakdown and swallowing of food and keeps our teeth and gums strong. Dry mouth condition risks the chances of mouth, teeth and gum infections.


  • Difficulty in chewing, swallowing or speaking
  • Dry and burning sensation in mouth and throat
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Cracked lips
  • Dry tongue
  • Foul smell from mouth

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we treat dry mouth condition by focusing on healthy lifestyle and dietary changes in following manner, without using Medicine and without any Side-effect.

  • Drink lots of water because dehydration is one of the major causes of dry mouth condition
  • Reduce alcohol intake because alcohol is a diuretic which can lead to dehydration
  • Stop eating spicy acidic foods and caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee and aerated beverages
  • Stop smoking and chewing tobacco
  • Practice Sitakari pranayama, 4 times daily

Sujok Therapy

1. Color Therapy –find the corresponding painful point of mouth on the inner side of thumb with a diagnostic probe. Color the point yellow.

2. Seed Therapy –on the corresponding point of mouth on the thumb, apply dried green pea (vatana) with adhesive tape.

Low-Grade Fever

Low-Grade Fever

Natural ways to treat, without medicine and without any Side-effect (XIX)

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in global healthcare crisis. As patients are recovering from the Covid19 infection, there are reports of persistent and long-term effects which can last for a few weeks to months.

Low-grade fever is one of the common long-term symptom of Covid. Though low-grade fever is a minor symptom, it is accompanied by body aches, headaches and tiredness which leaves the patient totally drained out physically as well as psychologically.

Main cause

Conjunctivitis is an eye infection commonly caused by the virus or bacteria. It results in inflammation of conjunctiva, which is a transparent membrane covering the white part of eyeball and lining the eyelid. Conjunctivitis can last from a few days to many weeks, causing a lot of discomfort to the individual.

  • Increased inflammation during the Covid infection
  • Secondary infections

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we treat and assist patient for low-grade fever after recovery from Covid19 infection, by mainly focusing on the immune system in the following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect.

  • Hydration our body with fluids is necessary for temperature regulation and flushing out the bacteria and virus from the body. Drink warm water, soups and immunity booster drinks like lemongrass-ginger tea.
  • Eating healthy diet supports a strong immune system.
  • Regularly practice Abdominal breathing which helps in strengthening the lungs and heart.

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure – For strong immunity we activate the corresponding spleen point on the left side of palm with diagnostic probe. Massage the tender point gently with probe, clockwise-anticlockwise for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Color Therapy – Color all the 20 tips of hands and toes dark blue or black.



Natural ways for reversing, without any Medicine (XV)

According to the study reported on Covid-19 infection, a large number of patients reported symptoms related to eyes mainly the infectious conjunctivitis.

What is Conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is an eye infection commonly caused by the virus or bacteria. It results in inflammation of conjunctiva, which is a transparent membrane covering the white part of eyeball and lining the eyelid. Conjunctivitis can last from a few days to many weeks, causing a lot of discomfort to the individual.


  • Redness and swelling in eyes
  • Itchy and burning sensation in eyes
  • Swollen lymph nodules at the back of eyes
  • Thick discharge that crusts over eyelashes
  • Blurred vision
  • Watering of eyes

At our `Monisha`s Mantra`, we have been successfully guiding and treating individuals for conjunctivitis without any Medicines and without any Side-effect, in the following manner:

  • Close the eyes and gently put cold compress made of moist soft muslin cloth. Repeat the procedure 4 times daily
  • Fill your mouth with water and splash cold water on eyes, thrice daily
  • Avoid eating all kinds of processed, fried foods and caffeinated beverages

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure – Find the tender painful points corresponding to eyes on the inner side of the thumb with diagnostic probe or pen, pencil. Gently massage the points clockwise and anti-clockwise for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Color Therapy – Apply blue color on the stimulated corresponding eye points during the day.

Loss of Appetite

Loss of Appetite

Natural ways to Treat/Recover, without Medicine and without any Side-effects (XVI)

It has been observed that loss of appetite has been a major long-term side-effect of patients suffering from covid-19 infection.


It is due to the gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal pain, acid reflux, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, cramps.

  • Loss of smell and taste
  • Dry mouth
  • Shortness of breath
  • Brain fog

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have been instrumental in helping individuals regain their appetite after recovery from Covid-19 infection in the following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect

  • A healthy diet is very important to regain muscle strength, enhance immunity and avoid chances of remission of the viral infection. Increase the intake of energy rich foods and proteins that will help in rebuilding and recharging the whole body.
  • Immunity booster Health drink:
    • Blend together carrot, beet, tomato, gooseberry (amla), flax seeds, chia seeds, lemon juice, rock salt, pepper, cinnamon and water.
    • Daily drink this healthy vegetable juice in the morning.
  • Half an hour before meals have 5-6 small slices of ginger soaked in lemon juice and rock salt.

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure – Gently massage the corresponding liver area on the right side of palm with thumb for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Color Therapy – Apply non-toxic green color on the stimulated corresponding liver area.

Covid-19 New Symptoms

Diarrhea, Abdominal Cramps and Nausea

Natural ways to treat without Medicine and without any Side-effect

The whole world is struggling with the more severe second wave of coronavirus. Along with common symptoms of covid-19 infection like cough and fever, the new symptoms in the second strike of coronavirus are Diarrhea, Abdominal Cramps, Vomiting and Nausea. Recent research studies have shown that the coronavirus can infect cells in the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, as well as other parts of the body.

Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with Covid-19

If you are suffering from any of these gastrointestinal issues, please do not ignore the symptoms, get yourself tested.

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps and pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Conjunctivitis

During this COVID-19 wave, now at our `Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai; we treat & assist with the preventive measures for gastrointestinal disorders with simple natural ways in the following manner, without any Medicine and without any sort of Side-effect

  • Completely avoid outside food. Eat simple home cooked food and include more of soups, vegetable khichdi, green tea
  • Stay well hydrated by drinking plain, warm lemon water and boiled whole moong beans water
  • Do Abdominal breathing exercises in intervals (at least 4 times daily)

Sujok Therapy

1. Color Therapy – Apply non-toxic black color on the palm area corresponding to large intestine and stomach, as shown in picture.

2. Seeds Therapy – Find painful point on palm area, corresponding to stomach with probe or pen/pencil and apply whole dried pea/green vatana



Natural ways for reversing, without Medicine and without any Side-effect – XIII

As the pandemic of the coronavirus disease progresses, new post-Covid-19 infection symptoms are being discovered, and one of them is vertigo. Vertigo is a disturbing sensation of movement like whirling, spinning or going off-balance and usually it is accompanied with nausea, visual disturbances and vomiting. If not treated it can lead to serious falls and accidents and affect our overall well-being.

Vertigo and Covid-19

Covid-19 is an acute inflammatory disease which can cause vertigo due to:

  • Inflammation of the nerves of inner ear (vestibular neuritis). These nerves connect inner ear to brain and thus help in maintaining balance and equilibrium of the body
  • Damage to nerve tissue due to hypoxia and blood clotting.

Our `Monisha’s Mantra` has been instrumental in helping individuals Online/Offline to cure their vertigo naturally without medicines and without any side-effect, in the following manner:

  • Increase the intake of foods rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, B, C and minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc. These nutrients help in reducing inflammation, restore nerve damage and improve blood circulation.
  • Daily practice Tadasana, a yoga posture which helps in maintaining balance and reversing vertigo

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure: Massage the corresponding cerebellum area of brain at the back of thumb with diagnostic probe for a minute, 4 times daily. Cerebellum is part of brain at the back of head which is the balance control center.

2. Color Therapy: Apply blue color on the activated point daily.

Tachycardia (Increased Heart Rate)

Tachycardia (Increased Heart Rate)

Natural ways for reversing, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (XI)

The health experts are of the opinion that it’s very important to focus on post-Covid-19 health care. It has been observed that many people even after their complete recovery are experiencing many extended symptoms for months. The most common problem is increased heart rate of over 100 per minute.

Why are people suffering from tachycardia post-Covid-19?

  • Covid-19 infection causes widespread inflammation in the whole body including lungs and respiratory tract. It blocks the flow of oxygenated blood in the body resulting in hypoxia which is low oxygen levels in blood. This causes difficulty in breathing leading to rapid heartbeats.
  • Covid-19 infection can also trigger inflammation in heart and inner lining of blood vessels. This results in lesser blood flow to the heart thus increasing the heart rate and palpitations.

At our Monisha’s Mantra, now we have been guiding and helping people how to reverse Tachycardia post-Covid-19 infection through natural ways in following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect.

  • Eat foods rich in potassium and magnesium like bananas, apricots, oranges, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, nuts, seeds, brown rice and whole grains.
  • Reduce intake of processed, packaged foods rich in sodium.
  • Avoid stimulants like tea, coffee, alcohol, carbonated beverages, nicotine, spicy foods.
  • Maintain healthy weight with daily routine of morning walks, yoga and smile meditation.

Sujok Therapy

1. Find corresponding painful heart point on palm and stimulate with thumb for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Apply yellow color on the stimulated heart point.

Mucormycosis (Black Fungus)

Mucormycosis (Black Fungus)

Natural ways of prevention, without Medicine and without any Side-effect – (VII)

Today the whole humanity is battling the coronavirus pandemic and with it the more worrying complications of Covid-19 infection. One of the recent challenge is fighting is Mucormycosis commonly known as black fungus. While suffering from covid-19 infection the immune system becomes weak, which is the main cause of mucormycosis.

What is Mucormycosis?

Mucormycosis is a fungal infection caused by mucormycetes. We can get this infection by coming in contact with these fungal spores generally found in soil, decayed wood and putrified manure. The infection basically begins in nasal area and sinuses, but if not treated it can spread to eyes, lungs, brain, skin, other organs and can be fatal.


  • Pain, swelling and redness around eyes, nose, cheekbones
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Blood-stained sputum
  • Fever
  • Headache

Sujok Therapy

1. Stimulate corresponding liver area on right side of palm with thumb for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Apply green color on the activated liver area.