Mental Health

Mental Health

Natural ways to treat without Medicine and without any Side-effect – (IV)

The Covid-19 pandemic has already devastated human life and as we are trying to contain the viral infection, the post-covid-19 scenario is becoming a serious affair. During the recovery period which seems to be a long one, we have to deal with muscle weakness, extreme tiredness, breathlessness, sleeplessness, headaches, dry cough, serious lung, heart, brain related health issues as well as the mental health issues. According to mental health experts the list of the diverse mental health problems is a long one like depression, fear, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other stress-related issues.

Common causes

  • Restriction on daily routine due to lockdown
  • Fear related to the spread of infection to dear ones
  • Near-death traumatic experience of self and others
  • Social isolation
  • Unemployment and economic crisis

At our Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai; we are helping and treating everyone to overcome mental health challnges in the following manner, without using Medicine and without any Side-effect

  • Start with simple yogic deep abdominal breathing exercises. If feeling weak you can do them lying down
  • Try to have a good antioxidant diet of fruits, salads, soups, lemon-ginger warm water, dal-rice, lightly sautéed vegetables
  • Do Bhramari Pranayama thrice, minimum 7 times daily

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure – Stimulate the corresponding brain area on the tip of every finger with diagnostic probe or fingers. Do it for a minute, 3-4 times daily.

2. Nail Therapy – Gently rub all 20 nails with pure ghee, twice daily. Nails correspond to all major organs.

Lung Damage

Lung Damage

Natural ways of Prevention and Treatment, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (VIII)

Post-Covid-19 infection people are facing different types of short and long term health issues and one of the major issues is Lung Damage.

How does the coronavirus Damage Lungs?

Covid-19 infection is basically an issue of the respiratory system. The SARS-CoV-2 virus enters the respiratory tract through the nose or mouth and goes into the airways of the lungs through the wind pipe (trachea). It results in causing irritation and inflammation along the lining of the airways. The coronavirus goes deeper down infecting the air sacs (alveoli), where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. This leads to a range of breathing problems due to the flooding of debris and fluids in the airways and alveoli. It can cause serious complications like pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and sepsis.

At our Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai; we provide online / offline Treatment to prevent Lung Damage after Covid - 19 infection with simple effective ways in the following manner, without using Medicine and without any Side-effect

  • Regularly drink kaadha, a decoction of turmeric, ginger and cinnamon
  • Daily carom seeds (ajwain) steam inhalation
  • Stop smoking and avoid second hand smoke
  • Daily yoga-pranayama helps in developing strong immunity

Sujok Therapy

1. Seed Therapy - Daily at night, apply carom seeds (ajwain) with adhesive tape on the corresponding lung area in the inner middle segment of any finger.

2. Acupressure - Daily massage this corresponding lung area in all fingers with Sujok ring.

Heart Health

Heart Health

Natural ways to boost, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (V)

Covid-19 is basically a respiratory infection but research studies have shown that it is affecting the heart. Post-covid-19 infection can result in inflammation and weakening of heart muscles.

Common symptoms of Heart related issues

  • Chest pain and heaviness
  • Breathlessness
  • Dizziness and discomfort
  • Dip in oxygen levels
  • Excessive perspiration

The cause of heart problems post covid-19 infection is due to the inflammatory response of the body’s immune system which can damage healthy tissues of heart and the inner lining of blood vessels. This causes inflammation and weakening of the heart muscles and also damage the blood vessels. It results in reduced blood and oxygen supply to heart and the rest of the body, as well as blood clots which can lead to heart attacks and heart failures.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai`; we has been instrumental in guiding patient online/offline, for boosting Heart Health post Covid-19, by natural ways of taking care of the heart in the following manner, without any Medicine and without any Side-effect

  • Include more of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and legumes because they are full of antioxidants.
  • Maintain a regular exercise regime because it strengthens the heart muscles and helps in reducing stress.
  • Daily practice Apaan Vayu mudra for 15 minutes, twice daily.

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure – Stimulate heart point on palm with thumb for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Seed Therapy – Apply dried green pea (vatana) on the stimulated heart point daily at night.

Monisha Rawat - Founder of `Monisha`s Mantra`, Mumbai; M.Sc., M.D. (Alternative Medicine), Life Coach, Master in Sujok, Consulting Nutritionist, Corporate Trainer, Holistic Counselor, Sujok Diabetes Specialist, International Lecturer for
Sujok & Smile Taiji.

Certified Expert in Preventive care of COVID -19 from World Health Organisation (WHO)

Certified Expert in Break the Chain of COVID – 19 from MBRU of Medical and Health Science, UAE

Certified Expert in Epidemics, Panademics & Outbreak from University of Pttsburgh

Certified Expert to promote `Safety` against COVID-19 from All India Institute of Public & Physical Health Sciences (AIIPPHS), India

Award winner of Inernational Women Excellence Empowerment Award (WEE) – 2020 as a RISING STAR

Award Winner as a BEST PERFORMING TEACHER by International Sujok Association (ISA) – SIC 2019 NATIONAL EXCELLENCE HEALTH AWARD – 2019

An ISO Certified Center at Mumbai.

Mulund - 8655139777/ 9029960086, Goregaon – 8422947592/982034359

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Natural ways for Reversing, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (X)

After recovering from Covid-19 infection many people are experiencing noticeable hair loss. According to medical experts the cause of hair fall is due to physical and emotional stress accompanied with coronavirus infection. This hair loss condition is called telogen effluvium.

Three phases in hair’s life cycle:

  • Anagen phase which is active hair growth period (2-7 years)
  • Catagen phase is resting stage (2-3 weeks) in which hair stops growing and detaches itself from the root
  • Telogen phase is final stage lasting for 3 months, where the detached hair will fall out and new hair starts growing (anagen stage)

Telogen effluvium is a condition when more hairs than normal enter this shedding (telogen) stage.

Natural ways to reverse hair fall

At our Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai we use natural ways for hair fall reversal in the following manner, with Medicine and without any Side-effect.

Developing Healthy Lifestyle:

  • Eat nutrient rich healthy diet focusing on proteins like dals, sprouts, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, paneer, soya. Protein is major building block for healthy hair
  • Daily Yoga-Pranayama routine helps in de-stressing and enhances blood circulation and release of hormones like endorphins which promote hair growth
  • Drink 3 liters of water daily because water hydrates hair follicles, stimulating hair growth

Sujok Therapy

1. Since kidneys are connected with hair growth, stimulate corresponding kidney points at the back of hand with diagnostic probe/thumb for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Apply kidney beans on stimulated kidney points on Hand.



Natural ways to Prevent and Manage, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (VI)

After the Covid-19 infection there is growing evidence that the coronavirus is causing diabetes in some people as well as worsening the existing diabetes condition.


  • Excessive thirst
  • Tiredness and weakness
  • Frequent urination
  • Blurry vision
  • Slow wound healing
  • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet


Diabetes is chronic health condition of high blood sugar levels, which may develop during the covid-19 infection due to the following reasons:

  • The coronavirus enters human cells through ACE2 receptors which are also present in the insulin- producing beta cells of pancreas. The hormone insulin helps glucose to get into cells for energy. And thus maintain blood sugar levels. The virus damages these insulin-producing beta cells thus leading high blood sugar levels causing diabetes.
  • Inflammation caused by coronavirus can lead to insulin resistance, which means body is not able to use insulin properly resulting in high blood sugar levels.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, Mumbai; we have been guiding people on natural ways to prevent and manage diabetes during this pandemic in following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect

  • Include Yoga-Pranayama, Smile Meditation in your daily routine
  • Diet which must include salads, nuts, seeds, vegetable smoothies, green leafy vegetables, sprouts and millets

Sujok Therapy

1. Stimulate corresponding pancreas point on palm with diagnostic probe, thumb, pen, pencil for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Apply grape seed with adhesive tape on the activated pancreas point, daily at night.

Monisha Rawat - Founder of `Monisha`s Mantra`, Mumbai; M.Sc., M.D. (Alternative Medicine), Life Coach, Master in Sujok, Consulting Nutritionist, Corporate Trainer, Holistic Counselor, Sujok Diabetes Specialist, International Lecturer for
Sujok & Smile Taiji.

Certified Expert in Preventive care of COVID -19 from World Health Organisation (WHO)

Certified Expert in Break the Chain of COVID – 19 from MBRU of Medical and Health Science, UAE

Certified Expert in Epidemics, Panademics & Outbreak from University of Pttsburgh

Certified Expert to promote `Safety` against COVID-19 from All India Institute of Public & Physical Health Sciences (AIIPPHS), India

Award winner of Inernational Women Excellence Empowerment Award (WEE) – 2020 as a RISING STAR

Award Winner as a BEST PERFORMING TEACHER by International Sujok Association (ISA) – SIC 2019 NATIONAL EXCELLENCE HEALTH AWARD – 2019

An ISO Certified Center at Mumbai.

Mulund - 8655139777/ 9029960086, Goregaon – 8422947592/982034359

Avascular Necrosis (Bone Death)

Avascular Necrosis (Bone Death)

Natural ways of prevention & Treatment without Medicine and without any Side-effect (IX)

Avascular Necrosis commonly known as BONE DEATH is the new post-Covid symptom being reported in patients after their recovery from coronavirus. According to medical experts this bone death condition is associated with the usage of life saving corticosteroids during the Covid treatment.

What is Avascular Necrosis?

The bones need continuous supply of blood for regeneration as well as for repairing wear and tear of joints, so that joints stay healthy and pain free. Avascular necrosis is a condition when the blood supply is disrupted to the joint. It initially causes small fractures eventually leading to the death of bone tissues and bone joint. The most common Avascular necrosis is of the femoral head of hip joint but it can occur in the joints of hands, shoulders, knees and feet. It is common in age group of 30 – 50 years.

At our Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai, we have been assisting and teaching simple natural ways of maintaining & preventing Bone Health in following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect.

  • Movement is necessary for good blood circulation and keeps our joints healthy. Simple exercises like stretching, lying down cycling in air and leg rotations, while sitting heel and toe raises, ankle rotations and regular walks
  • Balanced diet helps in maintaining strong immunity and bone health
  • Drink 10-12 glasses of water

Sujok Therapy

1. Regularly move Sujok ring in every finger, 20-25 times, twice daily.

2. Twist every joint of hands and feet, clockwise-anticlockwise 4 times, twice daily.

Anosmia (Loss of Smell)

Anosmia (Loss of Smell)

Natural ways for reversing, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (XIV)

The SARS-CoV-2 infection produces a range of symptoms and side-effects and one of the most common is anosmia (loss of smell). The patients usually recover the sense of smell partially or completely within 4 weeks of the infection but sometimes it can take up to 6 months. It can be very disturbing, if the condition persists for longer periods of time.


Coronavirus infects the supporting sensory cells of the smell nerves (olfactory receptor neurons). This results in inflammation in the nasal area causing loss of smell.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have been guiding patient Offline/Online, by natural ways of regaining the sense of smell in the following manner, without any Medicine and without any Side-effect

  • Carom (ajwain) steam inhalation twice daily is an effective natural remedy
  • Ginger-mint-lemon tea is an anti-inflammatory drink which helps in reducing the inflammation in nasal airways and is also an immune booster. Boil in 2 cups of water crushed ginger and handful of mint leaves. Strain and add lemon juice and honey (optional) before drinking.

Sujok Therapy

1. Find corresponding painful nose point on thumb with diagnostic probe, pen and massage for a minute, 4-5 times daily

2. Apply green dried Pea (vatana) on stimulated nose point on thumb.

Tinnitus (Ringing in ears problem)

Tinnitus – Ringing in ears problem

infection – Natural ways for reversing, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (XII)

New research studies are indicating that Covid-19 infection can trigger Tinnitus, a common hearing problem. Tinnitus is a condition in which one hears buzzing, ringing, hissing or roaring sound. This sound can be constant or heard at regular intervals without the presence of any external sound. If left untreated Tinnitus can lead to hearing loss and finally deafness.

The main reason of individuals experiencing Tinnitus post Covid-19 is stress caused due to the illness, increased anxiety, loneliness, financial concerns and sleeping problem.

At our Monisha’s Mantra, we guide natural ways of reversing Tinnitus in the following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect.

De-Stressing Technique

Practice the following breathing exercises 3 times daily:

  • Smile breath exercise
    • Inhale slowly through the nose (4 counts)
    • Hold breath (5 counts)
    • Gradually exhale through the mouth with a smile (6 counts)
    • Repeat the breathing exercise 3 times
  • Bhramari pranayama (Bee breath)
  • Limit the intake of caffeine, soda, alcohol and tobacco
  • Do regular stretching exercises for neck and jaw muscles

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure : Find the painful corresponding ear points on either side of thumb with diagnostic probe or pen, pencil. Massage gently clockwise and anti-clockwise for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Seed Therapy : daily at night apply black pepper with adhesive tape on the corresponding ear points.

Blurred Vision

Blurred Vision

Natural ways of Prevention and Treatment, without Medicine and without any Side-effect(VII)

According to research studies related to the after effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection many people are suffering from eye-related problems and one of them is blurred vision. Blurred vision is an eye condition in which there is loss of sharpness of vision and the objects around us appear hazy or out of focus.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra, Mumbai`; we guide patient, how to Prevent and Treat Blurred Vision problem, and keep our eyes healthy in the following manner, without Medicine, without Surgery and without any Side-effect:

  • Simple eye exercises to be done on regular basis:
    • Rub palms for 10 counts and place them gently on your closed eyes for a minute. Repeat it 3-4 times daily
    • Rotate eyes clockwise and anti-clockwise, 7 rounds each, 3-4 times daily
    • Take regular breaks from computer screen every 30 minutes by focusing on a faraway object for 20 seconds
  • In the daily diet include foods rich in Vitamin A which are good for eye health and strong immunity like carrots, bell peppers, sweet potato, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin and fruits like papaya, mango, apricots
  • Stay well hydrated
  • Discipline your sleeping habits
  • Reduce stress and anxiety with regular Smile meditation

Sujok Therapy

1. Acupressure : – Stimulate corresponding eye points on the inner side of thumb with probe or pen, pencil, clockwise and anti-clockwise for a minute, 4 times daily

2. Seed Therapy : Apply black pepper on the activated eye points daily at night.