Natural ways to Prevent and Manage, without Medicine and without any Side-effect (VI)
After the Covid-19 infection there is growing evidence that the coronavirus is causing diabetes in some people as well as worsening the existing diabetes condition.

- Excessive thirst
- Tiredness and weakness
- Frequent urination
- Blurry vision
- Slow wound healing
- Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
Diabetes is chronic health condition of high blood sugar levels, which may develop during the covid-19 infection due to the following reasons:
- The coronavirus enters human cells through ACE2 receptors which are also present in the insulin- producing beta cells of pancreas. The hormone insulin helps glucose to get into cells for energy. And thus maintain blood sugar levels. The virus damages these insulin-producing beta cells thus leading high blood sugar levels causing diabetes.
- Inflammation caused by coronavirus can lead to insulin resistance, which means body is not able to use insulin properly resulting in high blood sugar levels.
At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, Mumbai; we have been guiding people on natural ways to prevent and manage diabetes during this pandemic in following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect
- Include Yoga-Pranayama, Smile Meditation in your daily routine
- Diet which must include salads, nuts, seeds, vegetable smoothies, green leafy vegetables, sprouts and millets
Sujok Therapy
1. Stimulate corresponding pancreas point on palm with diagnostic probe, thumb, pen, pencil for a minute, 4 times daily.

2. Apply grape seed with adhesive tape on the activated pancreas point, daily at night.

Monisha Rawat - Founder of `Monisha`s Mantra`, Mumbai; M.Sc., M.D. (Alternative Medicine), Life Coach, Master in Sujok, Consulting Nutritionist, Corporate Trainer, Holistic Counselor, Sujok Diabetes Specialist, International Lecturer for
Sujok & Smile Taiji.
Certified Expert in Preventive care of COVID -19 from World Health Organisation (WHO)
Certified Expert in Break the Chain of COVID – 19 from MBRU of Medical and Health Science, UAE
Certified Expert in Epidemics, Panademics & Outbreak from University of Pttsburgh
Certified Expert to promote `Safety` against COVID-19 from All India Institute of Public & Physical Health Sciences (AIIPPHS), India
Award winner of Inernational Women Excellence Empowerment Award (WEE) – 2020 as a RISING STAR
Award Winner as a BEST PERFORMING TEACHER by International Sujok Association (ISA) – SIC 2019 NATIONAL EXCELLENCE HEALTH AWARD – 2019
An ISO Certified Center at Mumbai.
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