Low immunity – during seasonal change

People with weak immunity are at greater risk of seasonal flu.

As seasons change, we see everyone around us suffering from viral infections like cold, flu, and other health issues due to low immunity. It is essential to keep our immune system strong, which is the body’s natural defense system against infections and diseases. It’s a great way to improve our overall health and well-being.

At our “Monisha’s Mantra,” we help people boost their immunity and treat their infections and health issues naturally without medicine in the following manner:

  • First and foremost, have a well-balanced diet because experts
  • believe that nutrients are absorbed more efficiently in the body from dietary sources rather than supplements. Eat more plant- based foods that contain antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and boost immunnity
  • Limit intake of refined carbohydrates and white sugar
  • Limit intake of alcohol
  • Quit smoking.
  • Stay well hydrated
  • Get enough sleep
  • Regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight, reduces
  • inflammation, thus supporting a healthy immune system.
  • Stress is an important factor in lowering immunity,so regularly
  • de-stress with smile meditation and smile taiji.
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Daily massage the corresponding liver and spleen points on the inner side of any finger below the middle joint with a diagnostic probe. Do this acupressure for a minute, 2-3 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. At night before sleeping, apply 2 dried green peas (vatana) on the stimulated corresponding spleen and liver points (as shown in Pic 2)

Menopause – Mood Swings

It is important to keep in mind that menopause is not a disease but an important phase of a woman's life cycle.

During the transition phase of perimenopause to menopause, a woman’s reproductive hormonal levels of estrogen and progesterone start fluctuating and gradually decline. These hormonal changes can also affect serotonin and norepinephrine levels, which are brain chemicals responsible for promoting feelings of well-being and happiness. This condition triggers a number of symptoms which are physical as well as psychological. Many of these changes have a direct connection to menopausal mood swings.


● Anger and irritability
● High Anxiety
● Forgetfulness
● loss of confidence
● Feelings of sadness and depression
● Loss of concentration.

Treatment and Prevention

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`; we have helped several women in their
menopausal phase to overcome their mood swing condition,
naturally without Medicine and without any Side-effect, in the
following manner:

● Practice calming techniques like yoga-pranayama, smile meditation, and abdominal breathing daily

● Eat healthy by including more confidence, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and lentils, millets

● Avoid alcohol, white sugar, processed foods, and aerated beverages

● Be active with daily morning-evening walks and stretching exercises which help in elevating our mood and also keep us fit,

● Sujok therapy:

    1. Acupressure – Massage the correspondence heart point on either palm with a diagnostic probe or thumb for a minute, 3-4 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – Massage the corresponding brain point on the upper inner side of the thumb with a probe for a minute and applying dried green pea (vatana) at night before sleeping (as shown in Pic 2)

Pruritus (Itchy Dry Skin)

As hormone levels plummet, skin can become dry, slack, thin, and may notice more hair on face and less on scalp.

Pruritus is a dry itchy skin condition which affects many women in their menopausal stage. The good news is there are lots of natural choices to take care of the beautiful skin.

Menopause and Itchy Dry Skin – The Hormone connection

The female reproductive hormone, estrogen is responsible for triggering the body’s production of collagen and body’s oils, that keeps the skin moist and supple. During the perimenopause and menopause stage there is reduction in the estrogen levels. This results in reduction of collagen and oils which leads to dry itchy skin.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have helped women overcome their dry itchy skin condition Treating without Medicine and without any Side-effect; in the following manner:

  • Follow healthy diet high in vitamin C and omega-3-fatty acids, 2-3 helpings of fruits and salads, greens, sprouts, flaxseeds, millets, nuts. Avoid processed foods and refined sugars
  • Reduce intake of caffeine and alcohol which dehydrate the skin
  • Avoid hot water showers or bathing because it robs the body of natural oils
  • Get plenty of sleep and rest
  • Drink 12-14 glasses of water daily
  • Daily routine of brisk walks, yoga, pranayama, smile meditation helps in regulating hormones and stay healthy
  • Sujok Therapy –
    1. Magnet Therapy – Daily apply bar magnets on the outer side of index and small finger for 2 hours (as shown in Pic.1)
    2. Acupressure – Massage the ovaries and uterus corresponding points on the palm with thumb and fingers for a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic.2)