Rhinorrhea – runny nose

If there is excessive discharge of mucus from one or both nostrils, then there may be ear infection and pain

Are you tired of your chronic runny nose (rhinorrhea) condition? It can be a very annoying symptom. Yes, it can be treated naturally and the rhinorrhea problem can be stopped permanently!

What is rhinorrhea?

Runny nose is a condition when the inner lining of nose becomes inflamed leading to continuous clear, watery mucous discharge. It is sometimes accompanied by itchy watery eyes and sneezing.

Rhinorrhea can be caused due to:

  • Allergies
  • Viral flu
  • Cold weather
  • Sinusitis
  • Common cold
  • Gustatory rhinitis which causes runny nose when we eat certain foods
  • Nasal polyps

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have been treating and helping individuals to cure permanently of their rhinorrhea condition without Medicine and without any Side-effect, in the following manner:

  • Regularly have the immuno-herbal tea which has all the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial ingredients like ginger,lemongrass, tulsi, mint, pepper and lemon juice
  • Daily inhalation of carom seeds (ajwain) or eucalyptus oil steam before sleeping is very helpful
  • On a daily basis have warm water and vegetable soups which soothes the inner lining of nose and also clears congestion
  • Regularly practice Anulom-vilom pranayama
  • Sujok Therapy
    1. Before sleeping daily apply ginger juice on any palm beginning from the upper part of thumb till lifeline, corresponding to upper respiratory tract and lungs (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Before sleeping daily apply carom seeds plaster (ajwain)
    3. around any of the big toes (as shown in Pic 2)


Monkeypox is contagious like covid. Monkeypox can be dangerous if Careless

Monkeypox is a viral infection caused by orthopoxvirus, closely related to the virus that caused smallpox. Monkeypox is common in some African countries but since 2022 it has spread to many countries mainly due to international travel, close contact with an infected person or animal and imported animals.

Common symptoms

Symptoms may take about 5 to 21 days to appear after being infected

  • High fever with shivering
  • Headache
  • Joint and body pain
  • Weakness
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Skin rashes followed by blisters

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we are guiding, with simple effective ways of protecting oneself from Monkeypox, without any Medicine in the following manner:

  • Since Monkeypox is caused by close contact, we must stay away from the infected person
  • Build a strong immunity to reduce the risk of Monkeypox by eating healthy foods that boost immunity like fruits, salads, millets, nuts, seeds, sprouts and whole grains
  • Regular exercise in the form of morning walks, yoga-pranayama helps in keeping us fit and boosting our immunity
  • Sujok Therapy:
    • Magnet Therapy – Apply bar magnet on the distal joint, inner side of middle finger with white part facing towards the tip of finger, for 2 hours. This helps in tonifying liver’s energy (as shown in Pic.1)
    • Seed Therapy – Apply 2 kidney beans corresponding to kidneys, on the outer side of any finger below the middle joint daily at night (as shown in Pic2.)


If these symptoms are seen in fever, then be alert; otherwise there may be serious consequences

Dengue is one of the dangerous epidemic which affects millions of people every year, especially during monsoons. Dengue is caused by the bite of an infected female aedes aegypti mosquito. It can be very painful and if not treated on time it can be fatal. There is no vaccine or proper line of medical treatment and so prevention is the best solution. The good news is we can prevent dengue if we have a strong immunity!


It can take about 4 to 10 days for the following symptoms to appear:

  • High fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Joint and body pain
  • Headache
  • Rashes
  • Abdominal pain

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we guide with natural preventive measures to avoid chances of getting dengue fever, without any Medicine and without any Side-effect in following manner:

  • Get rid of stagnant water around your home and in flower pots because it is breeding ground for mosquitoes
  • A natural mosquito repellant is burning camphor with few drops of neem oil
  • Drink daily immuno-herbal tea containing herbs and spices like lemongrass, tulsi, mint, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, lemon juice that build immunity
  • Eat more of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and millets. Papaya is packed with antioxidants and its leaves are used to increase platelet count during dengue infection
  • De-stress with yoga-pranayama and smile meditation
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Move Sujok ring in all 10 fingers, 25 times twice daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Apply dried green pea on corresponding liver point above first joint of any finger on right inner side (as shown in Pic 2)

Viral Fever

Beware, Monsoon Fever Can be Misleading or Killing

The refreshing rains are always welcome for all of us but along with them they bring along many diseases. The most common monsoon health issue is the air-borne infection, the viral fever which is contagious. Due to low immunity children and senior citizens are more prone to these viral infections.

Common symptoms

  • Fever occurs at regular intervals and is sometimes accompanied with chills
  • Joint and body pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Cold and cough
  • Loss of appetite
  • Occasional diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness

Natural ways to prevent and treat viral fever without medicine

At our ‘Monisha’s Mantra`, we treat and guide individuals about the their ollness of viral fever without Medicine and without any Side-effect; in the following manner:

  • During monsoons eat fresh home-made light meals and avoid oily, raw and processed, packaged foods
  • Regularly drink boiled water and have more of fruits, vegetable soups, vegetable khichdi, lemongrass-ginger tea
  • Avoid being in close proximity with other people having viral fever because it is contagious
  • Regularly do yoga-pranayama
  • Develop proper disciplined sleeping habits
  • Sujok Therapy :
    1. Seed Therapy – Apply a fenugreek (methi) plaster around the big toe of any foot and keep it for at least 4-5 hours (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Color Therapy – Color black all the 20 tips of fingers and toes (as shown in Pic 2)

Bacterial Gastroenteritis

We all love the rainy season mainly because it gives us relief from the hot summers! But monsoons also bring a host of diseases and one of the most common is bacterial gastroenteritis. High humidity enables the harmful micro-organisms to thrive better leading to many health issues.

What is bacterial gastroenteritis?

Bacterial gastroenteritis is an inflammation of GI (gastrointestinal) tract affecting the stomach and intestines due to bacterial infection. If it leads to severe dehydration, it can be life-threatening.


Symptoms can appear immediately or can take about 24 to 48 hours

  • Abdominal cramps and pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bloody stools in acute condition

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we Treat and guide gastroenteritis problem, without Medicine and without any Side-effect; in the
following manner:

  • The first line of treatment is, drinking plenty of fluids to prevent
    dehydration (water, clear soups, thin consistency khichdi,
    electrolyte solutions). Avoid aerated drinks, alcohol, milk, tea,
  • Avoid raw and street foods
  • Ginger is a very simple effective remedy to relieve nausea, vomiting and for soothing the digestive tract. Soak ginger slices in lemon juice and rock salt and have 5-6 slices half an hour before meals
  • Sujok:
    1. Color Therapy – Apply black color on corresponding stomach and intestine points on inner side of any finger above distal joint (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Apply bar magnet on palm, in between middle and ring fingers with white side towards fingers (as shown in Pic 2)