Edema – (Swelling in lower Legs, Ankles and Feet in Pregnancy)

Painless swelling in Feet or Toes during pregnancy is not a disease but a sign of Disease

While you are enjoying your pregnancy there are some side-effects that are disturbing and uncomfortable and one of the most common is edema of lower extremities (swelling in legs, ankles and feet). It starts around the fifth month of pregnancy and can continue till the delivery.


  • During pregnancy extra blood and fluid is produced in the body to support baby’s growth. This slows down blood circulation and
    causes the blood to accumulate in lower extremities
  • The growth of baby in uterus can put extra pelvic pressure that prevents effective return of blood from the lower extremities
  • The pregnancy hormones relax the veins making blood circulation back to heart little difficult, resulting in swelling of legs, ankles
    and feet

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have helped several pregnant women to reduce their edema of lower extremities in the following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect:

  • Limit salt and sugar intake by avoiding processed and junk foods
  • Stay hydrated to flush out excess sodium and fluids
  • Avoid standing or sitting for long period of time
  • While sitting and sleeping elevate the legs which helps in draining
    excess fluid from legs
  • Regular walks and simple stretching exercises improves blood circulation
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Seed Therapy – Daily at night apply fenugreek (methi) plaster around the middle toes with adhesive tape(as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Acupressure – Gently twist the middle toes of both feet corresponding to legs, clockwise-anticlockwise for a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 2)

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

In India 20% of young women suffer from PCOS, an hormonal imbalance disorder. This condition not only causes problems like irregular, painful periods, weight gain, hair loss but can also lead to other health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, infertility, thyroid disorders, depression and mood swings.


  • Insulin-resistant PCOS is most common
  • Pill-induced PCOS is the second most common
  • Inflammatory PCOS is due to inflammation in body which leads to hormonal imbalance causing excess androgen production and
    prevents ovulation
  • Adrenal PCOS is due to abnormal stress response

Causes of PCOS

  • Excess insulin
  • Low-grade inflammation
  • Excess androgens (male sex hormones)
  • Heredity
  • Obesity

At `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have been successfully treating and
reversing PCOS condition, without Medicine and without any Side-
effect, in the following manner:

  • Increase physical activity in the form of regular exercises because
    it helps body burn sugar, build muscle and improve insulin
  • For reducing stress and anxiety regularly practice Yoga-pranayama
    and Smile meditation
  • Follow disciplined healthy eating habits and avoid high fat and
    high sugar foods
  • Get enough sleep of 6-7 hours
  • Sujok Therapy :-
    (Seed Therapy)

    1. For stimulation of pituitary gland which controls the
      reproductive system, apply whole green moong seed with
      adhesive tape on the upper inner side of thumb (as shown in
      Pic 1)
    2. Daily at night apply 3 whole green moong seeds,
      corresponding to the ovaries and uterus, on the inner lower
      side of any finger as shown in Pic 2)

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a very common hormonal disorder amongst young women of reproductive age.

Common symptoms

  • Irregular periods
  • Cysts in ovaries
  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Hirsutism (excessive hair growth) usually on face, chest or back
  • Hair loss
  • Dark skin patches on the back of neck, armpits and under the


  • Difficulty in conceiving
  • Miscarriage or premature birth
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes
  • Gestational diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • hyroid disorders
  • Fatty liver
  • Sleep disorders
  • High anxiety levels

At our `Monisha’s Mantra` we have helped and treated many young
women to reverse their PCOS condition naturally without any hormonal
treatment (without Medicine and without any Side-effect) in the
following manner:

  • Bringing about positive lifestyle changes:
    1. Healthy Eating habits – Include more of vegetables, salads,
      nuts, seeds, fruits, whole grains. Stop for sometimes outside
      junk foods, aerated cold drinks
    2. Drink 2-3 liters of water
    3. Exercise regularly to maintain healthy weight
    4. Regularly do Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose)
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Acupressure – Find the corresponding points of ovaries and uterus on the palm with diagnostic probe. Massage the  points with thumb for a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – daily apply at night dried green peas (vatana) on the stimulated corresponding points of ovaries and uterus with adhesive tape (as shown in Pic 2)

Adenoiditis / Pharyngeal Tonsils

Do you have trouble while Breathing or Snoring while Sleeping?

Adenoids are soft tissues located behind the nose and near the roof of mouth (palate). Adenoids along with tonsils are part of immune system which help to prevent and fight infections in our body. Adenoids are present at birth and protect infants from infection. They shrink considerably with age. Adenoiditis is a condition in which adenoids are enlarged and inflamed due to infection. It is very common in children.

Common symptoms

  • Difficulty in breathing due to blocked nose
  • Breathing through mouth
  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Frequent ear infections
  • Dry mouth and cracked lips

At our `Monisha’s Mantra` we have helped many children to reverse their adenoiditis condition without any Medicine in the following manner:

  • Warm salt water gargle with a pinch of turmeric powder helps in reducing inflammation. Do it 3-4 times in a day
  • Lemongrass Tea – In 2 cups of water add 1 tsp of chopped lemongrass, crushed fresh ginger, a pinch of pepper, cinnamon, 4-5
    basil (tulsi) leaves, rock salt. Boil for 5 minutes and let it steep for 10 minutes. Before serving add jaggery powder to taste and lemon juice. Drink ½ cup twice in a day
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Find the painful corresponding point for adenoids on inner upper area of thumb with probe or pen, pencil. Massage the point clockwise-anti-clockwise for ½ a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – apply dried green pea (green Vatana) on the stimulated point of thumb with tape (as shown in Pic 2).

Nocturnal ENURESIS (Bedwetting)

Are you struggling with the problem of wetting the bed at night ?

Nocturnal Enuresis commonly known as Bedwetting is the loss of bladder control at night, resulting in involuntary urination. This
condition is very common amongst children, but even a small percentage of teenagers as well as adults suffer from it. Bedwetting is
not just physiological but also has a psychological impact on the individuals.


  • Psychological issues like fear, anxiety, insecurity
  • Overactive bladder
  • Having caffeinated drinks, chocolates, and refined sugar sweets at
  • Constipation
  • Sleep apnea
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • In adults it can be hormonal imbalance, diabetes, prostate
    enlargement, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, seizure

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have been helping and treating
children as well as adults, get rid of their bedwetting condition without
Medicine and without any Side-effect; in the following manner:

  • Reduce the intake of bladder irritants like Tea, Coffee, Cola,
    Alcohol, Chocolates, Milk products at night
  • Drink at least 10 glasses of water during the day
  • Regularly practice Kegels exercises to strengthen the bladder
  • Squeeze the pelvic muscles as if trying to stop urine for 4 counts
    and then relax. Repeat this procedure 10 times and do it either
    sitting, standing or lying down, 4 times daily.
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Color Therapy – To strengthen bladder muscles apply green
      color on the corresponding bladder area on palm in between
      the middle and ring finger (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – Apply dried green pea (vataana) with
      adhesive tape on the bladder area daily at night (as shown in

Stomach/Peptic Ulcer

Treat this problem immediately, otherwise there may be a chance of developing Intestinal Cancer

A Peptic Ulcer is a painful open sore or erosion on the lining of gastrointestinal tract. If left untreated peptic ulcer can result in internal bleeding causing bloody vomit or black or bloody stools.


  • Gastric – ulcer in stomach, pain occurs after eating
  • Duodenal – ulcer in duodenum, pain occurs in empty stomach


  • Bloating, burning, dull pain in abdomen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Feeling full after eating little food


  • Bacterial infections
  • Intake of highly acidic foods
  • Stress
  • Alcoholism
  • Smoking
  • Frequent use of painkillers

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we assist patients, to treat peptic ulcers problem without Medicine and without any Side-effect; in the following manner:

  • Avoid acidic foods like pickles, fried and processed foods,
    caffeinated and aerated beverages, red meat, refined sugar
  • Include bananas and coconut in daily diet because they have
    antibacterial and antiulcer properties that help in treating peptic
  • Reduce intake of alcohol and stop smoking
  • Deep breathing exercises like abdominal breathing should be
    done for 5 minutes, 4 times daily
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Find painful points with probe or pen, pencil on the inner
      side of any finger, below middle joint corresponding to
      stomach area and duodenum area. Massage the points
      clockwise-anticlockwise for a minute, 4 times daily. (as
      shown in Pic 1)
    2. Apply dried green pea on the stimulated points with
      adhesive tape (as shown in Pic 2)

Nocturnal Leg Cramp

Sudden severe Pain & Cramp in the legs/muscles, while sleeping

Nocturnal leg cramps are sudden painful, involuntary muscle contractions that happens at night. These cramps usually affect the thigh muscles in front (quadriceps), at the back (hamstrings) and calf muscles (gastrocnemius) which span up to the ankle. The leg cramps can be severe and recurring especially amongst women and older adults.

Common causes

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Too much exercise leads to muscle overexertion
  • Less intake of water
  • Imbalance of nutrients like magnesium and potassium
  • Excess alcohol intake
  • Health issues like diabetes, hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s disease
  • Pregnancy
  • Nerve damage

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we use natural ways of Treatment to get rid of Leg Cramps permanently in the following manner, without any Medicine

  • Diet – Include foods rich in magnesium, potassium like nuts, seeds, tofu, legumes, leafy greens, potatoes, sweet potatoes, ragi, coconut, mushrooms, fruits like banana, apricot, oranges, grape fruit.
  • Increase water intake because dehydration is one of the causes of muscle cramps.
  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Regular walks, simple stretching exercises and stair-climbing helps to release the stress of the leg muscles
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1.  Seed Therapy – Apply fenugreek (methi) plaster with adhesive tape on the third toe of both feet at night (as shown in Pic 1
    2. Twist Therapy – Twist clockwise and anti-clockwise the third toe of both feet which correspond to both legs for a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 2)

Brain Fog

COVID attack on the Brain and the problem of Brain Fog start...

A recent study reveals that even after months of being treated for Covid-19 infection many patients have lingering side-effects and one of them is brain fog or cognitive impairment. It is a neurological symptom due to the effect of the infection in brain and nervous system.

Common symptoms

  • Confusion and slow thinking
  • Low concentration levels
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Dizziness
  • Occasional headaches
  • Difficulty in doing simple daily tasks

Common causes

  • Inflammatory reaction in brain due to covid-19 infection
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Feelings of loneliness and helplessness
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Poor diet

At our `Monisha’s Mantra`, we have treated and helped many  Covid-19 patients to get rid of  their brain fog condition in the following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect:

  • Nutritious diet is a must for recovering from the brain fog symptoms
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco
  • Develop a disciplined sleeping pattern
  • Regularly do Anulom vilom pranayama to increase focus and concentration
  • Increase physical activity in the form of regular walks and exercises
  • Do Smile meditation to decrease anxiety and stress
  • Sujok Therapy:
    1. Gently move Sujok Ring with slight pressure on thumb, which corresponds to head and neck area to release stress. Do it for 20-25 times from the tip to base of thumb, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Apply a line of fenugreek seeds (methi) on the thumb joint, (as shown in Pic 2)

Diabetes – Periodontitis (Gum Disease)

Diabetes with Periodontitis have chance of Kidney Failure ?

Periodontitis is an inflammatory gum disease caused by bacterial infection. Diabetes is a major risk factor of periodontal disease and if left untreated it can destroy the gums and bone tissues supporting the teeth, causing tooth loss.


  • Red and swollen gums which bleed easily
  • Receding gums
  • Foul breath

Relation Between Diabetes and Periodontitis

Diabetes and periodontitis have bidirectional relationship.

Periodontitis can increase risk of infections and inflammation throughout the body causing increase in blood sugar levels.

Excess blood sugar levels increase sugar in saliva causing bacterial infection. This results in excess acid in mouth which leads to periodontitis.

At our `Monisha’s Mantra` we are treating & preventing Diabetes periodontitis, without medicine any without any Side-effect,  in the following manner:

  • Regular brushing and flossing after meals
  • Maintain healthy weight 
  • Diet – avoid foods that are highly acidic like refined sugar sweets, processed foods, pickles, fried foods, caffeinated and sports drinks, fruit juices, meats, high fat dairy products, alcohol and tobacco. Include more of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, soya, nuts, seeds, quinoa, millets, green tea
  • Drink minimum 10 glasses of water
  • Stay Stress-free with regular exercises and Smile meditation
  • Sujok Therapy :
    1. Find tender corresponding gums’ point with probe on upper inner side of either thumb and gently massage for a minute, 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Daily apply black color band around the big toe nail (as shown in Pic 2)

Diabetic Gastroparesis (Digestive disorder)

Stomach feeling Full and Digestion slows down - Don't Ignore

Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of developing gastroparesis, a digestive disorder which can cause many complications, affecting the
quality of life.


  • Abdominal bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Acid reflux
  • Feeling of fullness while eating

Diabetes and Gastroparesis

Over a period of time constant high blood sugar levels damage the nervous system and also the vagus nerve. This nerve signals the
stomach muscles to contract, thus pushing food into small intestine. The damage to vagus nerve results in delayed emptying of food from stomach to intestine thus disrupting digestion process leading to Gastroparesis.


  • Problem in managing blood sugar
  • Malnutrition
  • Formation of life-threatening undigested solid food mass, called
  • bezoars in intestine
  • Dehydration
  • Bacterial infections

At our `Monisha’s Mantra` we treat patients of Diabetic Gastroparesis
in the following manner, without Medicine and without any Side-effect

  1. Modifications in diet like
    • Eat foods low in fat, fiber and soft fruits like banana, peache
    • Eat small frequent meals which are soft and well cooked
      – Avoid raw uncooked foods, caffeinated beverages, aerated drinks, alcohol, rich dairy products
    • Regular walks and yog-pranaya
  2. Sujok Therapy:
    1. Acupressure – Find corresponding painful points for stomach and
    pancreas with diagnostic probe on upper, inner left side of any
    finger. Gently massage these points clockwise-anticlockwise for a
    minute 4 times daily (as shown in Pic 1)
    2. Seed Therapy – At night apply whole moong seeds with tape, on the
    stimulated points corresponding to stomach and pancreas (as shown
    in Pic 2)